
Ana Isabel Pereira de Sena

The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the process of productive adjustment and the changes in the institucional environment that occur in the Brazilian capital goods industry in the nineties, examining the industries of information technology and industrial automation. It was looked to identify and evaluate the occured alterations in the behavior of the companies – manifest in its performance in the market - in its practical competitive strategies and of technological and productive training. With this intention, the theoretical corpus of the work is based on the Schumpeter’s analysis and also on the neoschumpeterians’ authors which try to show that the main element to make the economic agents more competitives is the capacity to criate and grab innovations in addition to that we can say that these innovations are basic in the criation of new standards of the transformation of the economy and its development of long term. The methodology is based on bibliographis and also on data analysis which refer to: hard commercialization, import, export, human resources and investment. Considering to be the emergency of a new  technical-economic paradigm and the acceleration of the globalization process the strokes main of the two last decades, the competitiveness of companies and nations is time more correlated to your capacity to innovate. Therefore, it is recognized that, as resulted of the current occured changes, new politics for the industrial and technological development become necessary in the analyzed sectors. The conclusions of the work point for the necessity to magnify the technological and productive training in these two industries keys of the new paradigm, becoming capable effectively to contribute for the modernization and competitiveness of the Brazilian industrial park.