Cláudia Sá de Moura

This paper aims to review and increase the understanding of the labor market of elderly people, featuring the elderly and non-elderly and seeking to identify the factors that determine participation and income of the elderly and non-elderly in the Brazilian labor market. Because there are many econometric studies that direct the focus to the elderly in the labor market, this study advances, using the Heckman procedure to estimate the equations for participation and performance of non-aged and elderly in the labor market. We analyzed the data from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) 1992, 1997, 2002 and 2007. It was found that both in the selection equation, as in equation yield Heckman, most of the results was significant and had expected signs, confirming that there are differences in participation and income for the elderly in the labor market. This work also contributed to the descriptive analysis of non-elderly and elderly female and male, pointing out similarities and differences of the elderly and non-elderly, both in terms of participation in the labor market, as yields studied. Such differences are consistent and are observed in the studies reviewed and also confirm what was seen in the literature review and descriptive analysis.