Marcelo de Jesus da Mata

This study aims to undetake a reflective study of Plano Maior Brasil -PBM, established in early 2011 with the aim of promoting the competitiveness of Brazilian industry in foreign markets specifically we seek to reconcile this measure of industrial policy in the light of theories of industrial organization, seeking to present its effectiveness. To this aim we proceeeded to the bibliographic review of the literature focused on the development of theoretical and conceptual toward the objetive of the study wich is the Plano Maior Brasil - PBM, as a measure of industrial policy courses since 2011. Then it is to undertake  the qualification of PBM in order to grasp to the (no) effectiveness. In this sense, we sought evidence of this (no) effectiveness of qualitative data on the behavior of firm's responses to the implementation of PBM, especially in regard to technological innovation strategy.