
Yasmine Cândida da Mata Mendonça

The objective of the present research was to analyze the space behavior of the renal transplants in the Federal Units of Brazil and the determinant of the offer of that organ in the years of 2012 and 2015. for that the methodology of Exploratory Analysis of Space (AEDE) Data was used. The tax of renal transplants for millions of population represented the offer of that organ and their determinant corresponded to the tax of teams transplantadoras for millions of population, donors' tax for millions of population, number of beds of Intensive Care Unit in the hospitals, number of neurosurgeon's services in the hospitals, amount of Commissions Intra-Hospitalares of Donation of Organs and Woven for Transplant, number of Organizations of Search of Organs, amount of respirators (or emergency fans). In agreement with the obtained results existence of positive space autocorrelação was verified among the tax of renal transplants by millions of population and all the analyzed determinant. Besides, the existence of a high width of the data was observed, mainly among the states of the areas north and south of the country.