
Marcela Ribeiro de Albuquerque

This dissertation has like objective analyze the magnitude of the poverty in the Paraná in the years of 1995 and 2009, on the basis of the multidimensional perspective of study the poverty, which contributes for reemphasize the need of do not limit the understanding of the poverty to the absence of income. For that end, was realize the empirical analysis of the poverty in the Paraná in the years 1995 and 2009. As tool of analysis was obtained the index of household multidimensional poverty, from the information offered by PNAD (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios) 1995 and 2009. This index is in agreement with the methodology proposal by Barros, Carvalho e Franco (2006), in that presented the Index of Development the Family (IDF), and the even follows the conceptualization of poverty as the dissatisfaction of the basic human needs, which restrains the individual for develop and expand its own qualifications. The results obtained from the multidimensional indicator of poverty revealed a significant proportion of poor between the Paraná population, 27.9% in 1995 and 20.4% in 2009. In terms absolute the dimension "demography" in both the years was that present the biggest proportions. For the isolated analyses of the regions metropolitan, urban and rural the poverty was most intense in the rural region, in that the indicators were markedly bigger, in special in the dimension "sanitation" and "demography". In a general analysis, showed up the occurrence of deep reductions of the rank vulnerability of the households analyzed, what implies in improvements in the conditions life of the population.