
Camila Duarte Lemes

The aim of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution of the mortality rate of HIV/AIDS in the elderly among the microregions of southern and southeastern Brazil and their associated factors (socioeconomic and health management) in 2016. To this end, we used The Empirical Bayesian Method was used to smooth this rate and the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis - AEDE was applied. According to the results, the mortality rate for this disease in each microregion analyzed is influenced by the number of deaths that occurred in neighboring areas. Positive spatial association between mortality rate and GDP per capita factors, hospitalizations for this cause, incidence of this disease and tests for HIV/AIDS were evidenced. In turn, there was a negative relationship with the Education Index. The clusters were distributed mainly on the coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Rio de Janeiro. It was concluded that the highlighted microregions presented geographic and socioeconomic disparity in the behavior of mortality by HIV/AIDS in the elderly. In addition, the regionalized effect of this variable indicates the need for more effective local disease prevention and control actions among the elderly population.