Carlos Alberto Gaspari

This present research aims to demonstrate that the emergency of new biotechnologies is strongly conditioned to the innovative trajectory and concurrential standards of the already constituted and technologically mature industries. The research starts from the schumpeterian theoretical perspective of the capitalist competition and has been developed through the historical-descriptive prospect. The data-base used came from secondary sources, with the purpose to provide a vision of the object of study from the competitiveness perspective and the industrial reorganization facing the biotechnological paradigm, understood through the dynamic emphasis. Equally, it demonstrates the modifications that the biotechnologies will have on the agro-industrial structure, especially the trend to the unification of the chemical, pharmaceutical, alimentary and agricultural sectors under the leadership of the bioindustry, that will be able to speed up the double trend of "apropriacionism-substitucionism", in the terms elaborated for Goodman, Sorj and Wilkinson (1990). In this direction, the bioindustrialization movement, in which, the market power of the agro-industrial capital is transferred and subordinate to the chemistryalimentary capital is occurring in the context of the technological trajectories and concurrential environments of prior existing industrial sectors , disclosing to an even bigger protagonism of the great transnational corporations as Dupont-Pioneer, Monsanto, Syngenta, Bunge Group, Cargill, Louis Dreyfus-Coinbra and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), companies that keep connection with the chemical, pharmaceutical, seeds and food sectors, where the junction of these sectors takes to the configuration of great bioindustries conglomerates that, supported in a big technological base, allows to strategically point (bet on) to the connections and to the spillovers with bigger economic returns.