Natalia Ramalho Pereira Fontão

This work purpose is, from one structural broach of innovation, to evaluate the competitivity of high and médium-high technologies areas of the Parana state, leaded for general alterations that happened in Brazil during the first five years at nineties. For the analysis effect there are two areas: the eletronic complex (high technology) and the mechanicmetal section. For this reason, to makes clear, the first chapter shows the theories that point out the innovation to lead the progress and technical capacity to the economic increase. The second chapter shows the alterations coming from the concept of competitivity, the alternative to Brazil and the government actions that impacted on the industrialization these last years. The third chapter seeks to chacacterize the high and medium-high technologies industry of Parana at nineties, to establish the comparation between nowadays and the last ten years and to wrify the introduction of the Parana state in the national economy. With this purpose the traditional and non-traditional competitivity indicatives are considered. The results point out to the reestructuration of the industry activities on the state, as result of the establishment of manufature of products with major technology contents incorporated, without, however, to have had advantage of externalities generated and the internal development that converge to the creation and diffusion autonomous innovative.