Paula Tissiany Viana de Macedo Carneiro

The objective of this work was to study the production and commercialization of beans in the Paraná from the decade of 90, considering the economic policies and the reorganization of the retail sector in this period. Thus, it was arisen given on produced amount, geographic and secular range of the culture, as well as the
relation enters the prices to the producer, attacked and retail of the state. The edges of commercialization in each stage of the productive chain had been esteem trying to not only catch the absolute effect how much the percentile or relative effect of these edges in the final price. To analyze the Inter-relations between the agents, producer, attacked and retail, the econometrical procedures had been carried through. In a first stage the direction of causality of the variable was evaluated, what it consists of identifying the market level where frequently the occurrence of a shock is initiated to the changes of given price. After that, the dynamic model in intention was esteem to evaluate the importance of unbalanced values or expectations of future of one or more changeable values in the explanation of the dependent variable. Finally, one
analyzed the behavior of the edges and the appropriate parcel for each level of market. The results had shown that the production presented a discontinous growth to the long one of the period, disclosing to the lack of planning of the producer the spite of offer of beans. However, exactly with this irregular evolution, the culture of this product presented a considerable profit of productivity and a bigger adoption of technologies. How much to the geographic range, it was verified existence of microregions with bigger participation in the scale of production of the state, but none with regular growth. In relation to the behavior of the prices in the different levels of market, it was observed that its variations are more frequent and with short periods due to magnifying of the times of harvest and to the biggest contribution of the second harvest. Already the edges had disclosed that, in terms of general trend of the market, it had a bigger stability in the relative edge to the attacked one with little significant decreases and an addition of the edge of commercialization of the retail and producer (even so with many oscillations in the period). The illustration heading, the value equivalent of the participation of these sectors in the final price of the product sample that the retail and the attacked one had gained in average 26.4% and 24.0%, respectively. It fits to detach the profits of edges conquered for the retail sector in this period. This was made possible by the productive reorganization and commercial why it passed expanded the knowledge of market in such a way to the level of how much consuming producer. Of this form, subsidy was created to recognize the paper of this sector in the formation of prices.