
Sandro Bertolli

This research has aimed to analyse the main restructuration trajetories of the Brazilian industry since industrial (IP) and technological policies (TP) arguments, emphasizing 80’s and 90’s. Focusing the general and sectorial analyses, aimed at to identify the consequences of the policies on the modernization and competitiveness strategies of the main industrial segments. The research begin of the schumpeterian theoritical perspective of capitalist competition and has been developed through historical-descriptive prospect. The data-base used happened from secundary sources, with the main intention was present the competitiveness perspective, defined under dinamic vision. This paper also emphasing the techno-economic paradigm change from postwar and the increasing importance of the manufacturing technological capacitation how competition core. From this context, and after change moviment analysis occurred on the nacional industry, the results indicate for a manufacturing restructuration process in Brazil when the industrial and technological policies during the industrialization by importation replacement responded positively with the productive catching up. However, it has constructed since protectionism elements from internal market that arrested the future evolution of the manufacturing structure because of management competitiveness precarization. The same way, the IP/TP neo-schumpeterians, active, clear and dinamic, put in second level in the national industrialization process from two last decades, must been worthy of attention from public policies. So, the industrial technological modernization moviment of the last decade (technolgical catching up) occurred eminently by foreigner technological induce difusion.