Dannyel Lopes de Assis

In the decade of 1990, the restructuring of the brazilian financial system was considered in order to guarantee the stability of the sector and the brazilian economy in a process of economic stabilization. The fundamental line of the changes happened it went the concentration of the sector, starting from the privatization and external agents' acess in the brazilian financial market. The defense of the restructuring, was based in the perspective of increase of the efficiency and elevation of the volume of borrowed credit. At the end of 2004, the credit volume was smaller and with a tendency the concentration in the dynamic areas of the country. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the effects of the restructuring in the state of Paraná, with the privatization of the state bank and the internationalization of the main deprived bank of the State, had as one of the reflexes the concentration of the credit in the area of Curitiba in detriment of the other places. That tends to reinforce the polarized characteristic of the economic space of Paraná.