Fábio Gonçalves da Silva

The objective of this work consists of accomplishing a study to contemplate the economical and commercial subjects that it involves the pos-introduction soy market of the transgenic soy, with the intention of verifying if there will be larger comparative advantages or not with the adoption of the planting and commercialization of transgenic soy in Brazil, in commercial scale, front to their two main competitive: Argentina and USA. The central hypothesis is that the possible benefits of the transgenic soy associated to the reduction of production costs can be overcome by the productivity fall, royalties payment and commercialization difficulties in international level. So, data were collected about production costs and productivity as well as some structural aspects, royalties, segregation, labeling, prize and international scenery of the soy trade pos-transgenic, in the sense of corroborating such hypothesis, being such a restricted study to Argentina, Brazil and USA.  At first stands out that the presented results don't dispose of conclusive data capable to prove the supremacy of the varieties genetically modified front to the conventional varieties. Such situation especially elapses of the temporary restriction evidenced in most of the accomplished studies, being only limited to the short period (a crop just). However, what is latent in this work it is that for the internal conditions presented by Brazil in the recent context, the soy transgenic possibly doesn't present larger comparative advantages, in a general way, on the conventional soy.