Eliezio Goulart Braga

The objective of this work was to show the behavior of the industry from Paraná transformation to the long one of period 1975-2001.  This analysis is developed for each  Paraná’s mesorregion and Paraná’s microregion, detaching the dynamics and the importance of each one of them inside of the State of the Paraná.  This analyzes was carried through the indices of Krugman and Gini, that measure the specialization and concentration of the industry from Paraná transformation.  To carry through this first analysis a rescue of the process of Paraná industrialization from developed works was carried through already and that they had dealt with this subject satisfactorily.  From the indices of Krugman had been calculated there and of Gini for each e region each mesorregião of the state, these indices had been analyzed and argued, first inside of each mesorregião and later comparing the mesorregiões, arriving themselves it the results for the State of the Paraná.  The indices of sectorial concentration inside of each micron had been argued and mesorregion and for the state of the Paraná, later if argued the space concentration of the branches of industry activity in the State of the Paraná, These quarrels had allowed to identify which were the dynamics of the industry of transformation in the Paraná, and also, in each one of its mesorregions and microregions in the period of 1975 at 2001.  To concluse that of industry from Paraná to concentrate in Curitiba, however in side of the meso end microrregion to lose one´s concentration end to lose  one´s especialize.