Jaime Jordan Costatini

The main goal of this disertation is to analyze the behavoir of the Latin American exports during 1970-1990. The foundations of this work is the theory of diferentiated goods of monopolist competition with increasing returns and for homogenesu goods oligopoly competion with reciprocal dumping. For this propose we used gravitational equations for 26 Latin-American country´s exports  to 136 country´s importers. We use data of international trade for the years 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985 , 1990. The results are the following (a) For the years 1970-90 the dinamic of exporting diferentiated goods of the Latin-American exports is explain for monopoly competition with increasing returns and free markets entry (b) For homogeneous goods the behavoir is associated with oligopoly competition with reciprocal dumping with barries to entry